Since 1993, I was given once opportunity as chairperson of the 3rd ASEAN Universities Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science: AUCPESS 2013. This year once again brings me the great honor of being the Chairperson of the 9th ASEAN Council of Physical Education and Sport (ACPES) Conference 2023 Organizing Committees, to welcome you to participate in the conference which takes place in Mahasarakham University, Thailand, 30 October-1 November 2023. It is hosted by the Department of Health and Sport Science, under Faculty of Education (EDU) at Mahasarakham University (MSU). The 9th ACPES, 2023, brings together members of the academic community, university professionals and practitioners in ASEAN from the health, exercise, sport, and physical education industries to discuss our related disciplines. This year’s conference will have the theme, “International Conference on Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport Science”, with main focuses being on how physical activity knowledge can be applied in physical education and sport science. Our strong scientific and cultural program is the major purpose of the conference. The year’s conference has been agreed to be held by MSU in Thailand, by the ACPES network of 10 Universities including STOK/College Bina Guna Medan, Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), National Institute of Education (NIE) Nanyang Technological University, The Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Srinakharinwirot University (SWU), Kasetsart University (KU) and Mahasarakham University (MSU) from 5 countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippine, and Thailand) in ASEAN. This conference provides value for the staff and current students of each network university, by inspiring and challenging their working and studying, and is also open to outside participants either locally or internationally, especially in ASEAN countries. We are calling for papers in the previously mentioned areas for both oral and poster presentations. The conference will not only benefit greatly on our academic professions, but also on experiences, cultural, and social as well as networking among us. MSU is well known as a major education center in the Northeast of Thailand (ISAN) including a strong educational culture, outstanding facilities and friendly welcoming atmosphere which I am certainly you will sense during the conference, and also remember after you return home. The Organizing Committee has endeavored to put together a stimulating conference program backed by enjoyable sport and traditional games, social, and cultural programs which will give delegates the opportunity to visit some of Mahasarakham’s favorite landmarks.
I am confident that as representatives of your countries and universities, you will all enjoy learning from each other and establishing lasting friendships at the 9th ACPES, 2023. Enjoy the conference, enjoy MSU.
Asst. Prof. Chairat Choosakul, Ph.D.
The 9th ACPES Chairperson
Head, Department of Health and Sport Science,Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University