About the Journal

ACPES2023 Journal of International Conference on Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport Science. (ICPAPESS) [ISBN 978-974-19-6103-0] is published by ACPESMSU2023 (The 9th ASEAN Council of Physical Education and Sport) in cooperation with Mahasarakham University  (MSU).

It is aimed at all practitioners and researchers and those who manage and deliver services and systems related to physical education, sport, and health. It will also be of interest to anyone involved in provision of related programs, the care of populations or communities and those who contribute to related systems in any way.

Topic areas of research

 “International Conference on Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport Science” is the theme of this conference. We welcome any abstract and full paper related to Physical activity, Physical education, Sport science. Authors may consider any of the sub-themes listed below.

Physical Education

  • Teaching/ Pedagogy
  • Assessment/Measurement/Evaluation
  • Curriculum/Instruction
  • Administrative/ Management
  • Health Promotion/ Education
  • Physical Education and Physical Activity

Sport Science

  • Physiology
  • Biomechanics
  • Medicine
  • Nutrition
  • Pedagogy/ Coaching and Training
  • Management/ Marketing/Business
  • Psychology
  • Sport Science and Physical Activity


  • Abstract Template
  • Full paper Template